Sun Jan 14, 2018 Freestyle, Dance, Figure, Creative, Precision and Fours Contest
Stardust Skating Center, San Bernardino CA
Freestyle Entry Form RTF
Dance & Figure Entry Form RTF
Coaches, please upload your music to Dropbox Please name the file as follows: Skater Name-Event.mp3. Only mp3 or wav file format please. Example: VictorReinhart-NoviceFS.mp3
Any changes to the files, please email me using the contact page. We prefer to get all the music uploaded before the day of the contest, but will accept music on-site.
Special (Beginner) events will not be available at this contest.
Meet Director: Rene Johnson
Sanction 18-046
Note: Please do not mail checks to the rink. Mail checks to:
Lori Stardust
PO Box 432
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739
The one day amatuer card is back. It will be available for the January contest. $25 fee, must be purchased online at USARS website only. The skater must print and bring their one day card to contest with them. No unregistered skater may compete in January, we need to let everyone know we will be checking via the national office for current memberships.
---Event Address---
Stardust Skating Center, 2167 North Lugo Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92404
Driving Directions
---Youth/Elite Figures---
Super Tot 2B
Primary A 2B
Juv C 112B
Juv B 7A
Juv A 3B
ELC 112B
FSC 112B
FA 29A
SA 33A
FSA Men 22B
WC 47A
---Youth/Elite Loops---
FA 15A
EA 15A
Primary B 130B
C 115A
Adv loops 31B
---Adult Figures---
B18 2A
B65 2B
S18 2B (Changed from 112B on Jan 7)
S50 2 (Changed from 1A on Jan 7)
G1 27B
G23 105A
CG 27A
---Adult Loops---
CL 130A
CG 14B
---Youth Solo Dance---
Primary Dbl Cross Waltz
Juv A Skater's March
El A Siesta Tango
FA Border Blues
SA Association Waltz
JR Paso Doble
JEB Dutch Waltz
JEC Balanciaga
FSB Milongo
FSC Glide Waltz
---Adult Solo Dance---
B18 City Blues
B65 City Blues
S18 Golden Skaters Waltz
G1 Mary Lee Foxtrot
G23 Century Blues
CG Willow Waltz
CI Kinder Waltz
---Team Dance---
JA Denver Shuffle
EA Chase Waltz
FSA Fourteenstep
FSB Quickstep Boogie
FSC Glide Waltz
---Adult Team Dance---
B18 City Blues
B65 Double Cross Waltz
S18 Luna Blues
G1 Collegiate
G23 Quickstep Boogie
CG Paso Doble
CI Werner Tango Int'l
---End of Draw---