Dear Coaches,
The Fountain Valley Skating Center would like to invite you and your skaters to attend the Southern California Freestyle Contest to be held on Sunday, April 4, 2010.
Attached is the official entry form. Please FAX your entry forms to the tabulator, Victor Reinhart, at (714) 994-2536 on or before Monday, March 22, 2010. If all entries are received on time, we will mail the contest schedule out on Friday, March 26.
After faxing your entries, please mail the entry form with one check payable to �Fountain Valley Skating Center� covering the total amount of entry fees for your club. The entry form with payment must be received at Fountain Valley Skating Center no later than Wednesday, March 24. The contest fees are:
First event $15.00
Each Additional Event: $10.00
Spectator fees $ 3.00
Programs $2.00
There will be no practice session for this contest.
If you require additional information, please contact us at Fountain Valley Skating Center. We look forward to seeing you at another rewarding competition.
Bob LaBriola
Club President
Fountain Valley Skating Center - 9105 Recreation Circle, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 - (714) 847-0022
Enclosure: Entry Form