Host Information
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What Does the Host Club Do?
1. Determine who will be the Meet Director. This person must be listed on the form, below.
2. Download the Sanction from USARS, Figures, Forms. It is called the "2010 Speed and Figure Contest Sanction Application"
3. Fax or Mail the Sanction to USARS. This is due 30 days before the contest, and cost is $50 for a one-day contest.
4. Give the Sanction Number to the Tabulator. This must be printed on the Program.
5. Compose the invitation email. This is Optional, if not prearranged with the Registrar 30 days in advance, then the Registrar will compose it.
6. Approve the invitation email.
7. Invite the Judges.
8. Create the Judging Schedule. This includes work to avoid judging conflicts.
9. Provide a work area for the tabulator.
10. Provide sharpened pencils, scratch paper, and clipboards for the judges.
11. Provide paper for the tabulator.
12. Do the Skater Check-In and Music Check-In.
13. Do the Coach Check-In (complementary program for each coach).
14. Do the Announcing.
15. Sell Programs.
16. Charge admission for spectators.
17. Make copies of Score Sheets, and sell the copies.
18. Give out medals and ribbons. 3rd and 4th place get a bronze medal.
What Does the Rink Operator Do?
1. Sign the Sanction.
2. Pay the Judges.
3. Pay the Tabulator.
4. Pay the Registrar.
What Does the Registrar Do?
1. Send email 30 days prior to the event with invitation and entry forms.
2. Accept entry forms via fax and email.
3. Create the contest schedule.
4. Email the contest schedule.
5. Solicit artwork for the program cover.
6. Print the programs.
7. Print the Skater Check-In.
8. Print the Music Check-In.
9. Print the Coach Check-In.
10. Print the Music Labels (to place on the CDs).
11. Print the Judging Sheets, sorted by judge and event.
12. Print the Mock Judging Sheets.
13. Print the Skater Numbers (if a Dance and Figures contest).
What Does the Tabulator Do?
1. Arrive at the contest 1/2 hour before it begins.
2. Bring the Medals and Ribbons.
3. Bring the Programs, Forms, and Labels.
4. Bring a laptop and printer.
5. Bring the clipboards.
6. Tabulate each event.
7. Create Final events for each Elimination
8. Accept late fees for late entries
9. Post the "Tab Sheets"
10. Print the "Announcer Sheets"
How to Run the Contest on Time
The announcer is the primary person who keeps the contest on time.
At least 2 other people should help the announcer.
Guidelines for the announcer:
1. Start on time.
2. Remember that time lost cannot usually be made up.
3. Remind skaters to be dressed and in skates one hour prior to the scheduled event (except for the first hour of the contest).
4. The announcer should wait no more than 10 seconds between skaters. This should be enough time for the judges to record thier scores.